Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Dare to Dream

It is week two of the #TPTSellerChallenge! It has been a lot of fun to really focus on building my teacher community.  Teachers are the best people! They get me! :)  

On to the challenge:

I truly believe in setting goals, especially professionally.  So it makes sense to sit down and think about what I want out of this whole TPT seller thing.  So here are my goals:

Goal 1: Grow Professionally
I mentioned that teachers are my people.  Can you relate?  No one really understands me like another teacher. They get me on the best days. When I am thinking, "I absolutely love my career and can't wait to go back tomorrow!" They get me on the worst days. When I'm thinking"there is no way I can pick myself back up out of this pit and do it again tomorrow!"  So networking through social media keeps me motivated and really sparks my passion. I'm continually learning new things I would love to try in my own classroom. 

Goal 2: Less Penny Pinching
Need I say more? Honestly, to earn side income for the creations I would already be making for my own classroom really is a dream come true.  With less penny-pinching I would have the freedom to splurge now-and-then. I could take that photography class I have always wanted to take! 

Goal 3: Grow Our Family
We have a unique family and really love it! Hopefully, we will have children of our own (biological or not!) So, saving for a family would be really amazing!

Thanks to these ladies for encouraging me to really think about my goals!  


I'd love to hear about you all as well.What are your goals? How is TPT helping you reach them? 
(:  Mandi


  1. I completely understand the "teachers get me" part of this post. All of my best friends are teachers, and I do believe there's a reason for that. Not many people who don't teach can understand the struggle--it is real. ;) Best of luck with your family!

    The 4th Grade Journey

  2. I agree with feeling like I found people who get me when it comes to teaching! I've come across hundreds of teachers through networking online and many of them I have learned from along the way! I totally understand with the penny pinching! With the extra money I earn I feel more at ease spending money on stuff for my classroom, a new blog design, etc. Best of luck with your TpT store, and your dreams :)!

    1. I know! I can't wait to make a little extra money and put it back into my blog! I am also really wanting one of those cute clipart pals from Polka Dots and Pals! :) Hard to resist! Thank you and good luck to you as well!
